Group canoe trip

Chelsea in the Dells

Scott tent in Antarctica

GPR in Iceland

Chelsea on the lake

Norway fjord

Engabreen basal ice

Engabreen basal ice

Stef measuring flow

Shooting active seismic

Stef drilling ice cores

Class trip

Ice sounds

Russ flying a drone

Chelsea running RTK

Ian in a R channel

Antarctica traverse

Thwaites glacier

Drilling shot holes

Union Glacier

Twinotter Antarctica

C17 Antarctica

Transantarctic mountains

Luke in a crevasse

Survival school Antarctic

Alpenhorn in Swtizerland

Lauren on Rhone

Luke on Rhone

Luke at Aletch

Crew at Aletch

Christian in Switzerland

Crew on Saskatchewan

Nate seismometer install

Nate and Dougal


Luke takin it easy

Luke and Christian

Glacial landform