Outreach efforts

Our group is committed to Inclusion and outreach efforts both within the Geoscience and within the broader University Structure. UW-Madison is situated in Dejope (the four lakes region) on ancestral Ho-Chunk Land.  Native Lands is an excellent website to see whose ancestral land your University is situated upon.


Public Outreach/Talks

Wednesday at the lab “The mysteries of glacier slip and landform development”

Rutgers Museum open house ”Unraveling the mysteries of glacier movement”

Ask a Geologist

Wednesday at the lab “How glaicers move”


Inclusion Efforts

Luke Zoet sits on the College of Letters and Sciences’ DEI committee at UW-Madison

Luke is also a member of UW-Madison’s American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) group that seeks to advocate for Native Americans in STEM fields.

Luke Zoet along with Shaun Marcott are working as part of an NSF funded project with the College of Menominee Nation to develop a two year Geoscience program that would allow students to transfer to four year colleges like UW-Madison to complete their bachelor’s degree. This program includes cross college mentoring, curriculum development, and relationship building

Luke worked with Kate Flick from CMN and a group of four undergraduate students from the College of Menominee Nation on a Geoscience focused summer internship program.  Students were split into 2 cohorts with 2 students each, 1 focused on coastal processes and 1 focused on glacial processes.  The cohorts were also advised by grad students and postdocs in our group (Chelsea Volpano, Dougal Hansen, and Jeremy Brooks). Each group completed a research project and also participated in broader programming that included things such as field trips, story map development, podcast creating, poster development and campus visits. Each group created a story map associated with their project. The coastal group ( Alexandria Ehlert and David Kitson Jr) focused on coastal erosion while the glacial group (Rylee Maulson and Matayah Escalante) focused on how glacier transport sediment. Check out their story maps in the links!!!

Grace Bulltail, Judith Simcox, Shaun Marcott and Luke Zoet are part of a UW funded Equalities Grant aimed at supporting native students working on projects on tribal lands.

Luke is on the Advisory Council for the College of L&S Community of Graduate Research Scholars (CGERS)

Luke is also a member of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians


Department of Geoscience diversity statement

Department of Geoscience diversity resources